Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hold Fast

In the August Newsletter article (Joshua chapter 22 - Thank You) we covered Joshua commendation of the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh. Prior to entering the Promised Land these two and a half tribes asked Moses for permission to settle east of the River Jordan. They needed permission because that would put their homes outside of the actual Promised Land - the land that the Lord had commanded them to occupy. Moses gave permission but extracted a solemn vow from them to fight alongside their brothers in the great conquest of Canaan. Here, at the end of the great battles of the conquest, Joshua thanks them and gives them permission to return to their families and to their homes on the other side of Jordan. Joshua reminds them to be very careful to observe the commandment and the law which Moses commanded you, to love the Lord your God and to walk in all His ways and keep His commandments and hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul (verse 5). Joshua could have given them many instructions about working hard or planting in season but it is significant that his concern for them is strictly spiritual. Not only did Commander Joshua thank the Transjordan tribes for the faithful performance of their vows to fight alongside their brothers, but also, as a prophet, he charged them to be faithful to God's Word.

Application:    I think we can relate to Joshua's concern for his people. They were together throughout this grand crusade to conquer the land that the Lord had promised - they fought side by side in a fellowship of devotion to Yahweh with a passionately held common purpose and closely shared sufferings. Each would depend on one another for support and mutual aide in times of great conflict. But now, in this time of friendly separation, the foremost thought on Joshua's mind was that his comrades in arms would remain faithful to the Lord.

Moms and dads can relate to this when they send their children off to live as independent adults. Oh, how we long to hear that our adult children are living in faithfulness to our Lord. Our hope is that they will not only be hearers of the Word but also doers of the Word. For what does it profit those who hear but merely agree with the Word? It is the doers of the Word that will be found faithful. So Joshua's advice echoes our desire for our children. This is also the sincere desire of the elders - to see our church remain faithful, even those who move away or those who find reason to leave our fellowship. We are pleased to hear that they are continuing in the faith. For those who are under church discipline - our desire and prayer is for them to come to the faith that they once professed - " ... to love the Lord your God and to walk in all His ways and keep His commandments and hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul

Joshua commands them (and believers today), "... to love the Lord our God, as the best of beings, and the best of friends; and as far as (they are obedient), there will be a constant care and sincere endeavor to walk in his ways, in all his ways, even those that are narrow and up-hill, in every particular instance, in all manner of conversation to keep his commandments, at all times and in all conditions with purpose of heart to cleave unto him, and to serve him and his honor, and the interest of his kingdom among men, with all our heart and with all our soul. What good counsel was here given to them is given to us all. God give us grace to take it!" (Matthew Henry)